Welcome to Steam Sistahs my mission is to promote healing and balancing within using the ancient self care routine known as herbal steaming. Steaming is a process that cleanses and revitalizes healing within the uterus, vagina or anus using natural herbs.

My name is Shavona and I am the founder and owner of Steam Sistahs. I personally was introduced to steaming when I discovered I had infertility issues. My husband and I were trying to have a baby and we were not getting the job done. Which led me to see a fertility doctor who suggested we do IVF due to hydrosalpinx (blocked fallopian  tubes). My doctor also suggested vagina steaming saying it prepares the uterus and other reproductive organs for pregnancy. I began my journey steaming because of infertility. So I tried it out and can I say it was love at first steam! I left feeling serene, refreshed and restored. I can’t express the feeling of peace I felt inside just from a simple vagina steaming.

I told all my friends, family, coworkers about how it made me feel. The way I described it is, “I got my Essence back!” Later I did some research on vagina steaming to see if I could continue the treatment on my own. Once I figured out what and how to do it I began steaming at home. I would order from trusted organic herbalist to try different herbs which had a variety of uses. Then I thought all woman should try this at least once in their lifetime. Next I had the big idea, I can provide a service for woman and men from all walks of like to steam. By providing a facility for a self care routine with no interruptions to rejuvenate their essence. Self love is sistah love!

So I started on my journey to get yoni-vaginal steam certified. Here I discovered steaming is not only for women and that men can enjoy steaming as well! Anal steaming supports the prostate and many other health issues that men face. Are you thinking should I try steaming? Think of it as a self care routine such as getting your hair, nails or facial done with a healing result. So come say hi and tell me your why? Why do you steam?

Your Sistah Shavona